Thursday, December 7, 2006
Essay: The Negative Effects of Mobile Phones on Adolescents and Society
The functionality of the mobile phone depicts this definition however, the definition of the word mobile phone is fast becoming much more complex. Traditionally, the mobile phone was primarily designed, used and marketed as a business-oriented device. Today in contrast, the mobile phone is an emerging important tool for personal communication with social and cultural significance in society. The mobile phone has become a symbol in itself, an object of desire for many which enables the expression of individuality, particularly amongst adolescents.
There are multiple, overlapping consumption and uses of the mobile phone both in the social and cultural life. In sum, this essay will explore the negative societal effects of this technological device particularly towards the adolescents.
“Current statistics indicate that 2 billion people currently have subscriptions for Cellular Phones.” ( accessed December 1st, 2006)
This illustrates that society has become dependant on this device designed originally solely for communication. Mobile phones have been intricately woven into our everyday lives it has created a new subculture that is heavily reliant on this technological advancement that changes, “the way people meet, mate, work, fight, buy, sell, govern and create” (Rheingold 2002. p. 18) and furthermore defy political agendas. An example of this is the overthrow of Philippines ex-President Joseph Estrada in 2001 in which the people congregated a mob through waves of text messages to topple the Estrada regime. Another example which occurred on Australian soil is the Cronulla riots in Sydney which used text messages to organize the riots; this clearly illustrates the enormity of mobile phone text messages or more commonly known as ‘SMS’ and the ever-increasing subculture of phone users. This subculture has been referred to as ‘smart-mobs.’ Rheingold suggests that a new group of ‘smart-mobs’ “consists of people who are able to act in concert even if they don’t know each other” this allows the group to gain power by numbers. This sort of congregation presents a threat to society if the power is misused.
Text messages have the power to unite individuals to fight for a cause although this form of communication is very detached from any forms of human emotions. Without a doubt the mobile phone broadens and enhances the sheer volume of communications; however does it actually improve the quality of communication?
With the introduction and increase popularity of mobile phone and text messages, physical communication and face-to-face interaction has been substituted. Some people are even using mobile phone as a tool in carrying out relationships. “Although the quantity of communication has increased through the anywhere and anytime functionality of the mobile phone, it has decreased the qualitative aspect of communication.” (Srivastava, 2005. p. 124)
Physical principle elements of human interaction such as body language and facial expression to name just a few have been replaced by text messages such as :) depicting happiness or a smile whereas ‘lol’ the abbreviations for ‘laughing out loud.’ “Some sociologists argue that texting teenagers run the risk of affecting their capacity to interact with each other on a voice or face-to-face basis: many choose to text rather than to talk, particularly in awkward or emotionally-charged situations.” (Srivastava, 2005. p. 124) Evidently text messages and mobile phones has introduced a more convenient way to communicate but in turn it has resulted in emotionless messages because of the limited characters each text message enables, this results in another dilemma/disadvantage of text messaging. “Young peer groups often differentiate themselves by the type of abbreviations they use while texting…this popularity of texting among the young is having an impact on their ability to spell and conjugate verbs.” (Haddon 2002, BBC News 2004).
The mobile phone age has had a considerable impact on the values of today’s society and in turn has created a ‘impulsive society.’ Since text messaging is a commonplace nowadays it can be seen that the need for social etiquette has become less important. Prior to this technology people were more punctual in setting appointments however setting an approximate time to meet is fast becoming standard practice with the aid of text messaging. “The habit of ‘keeping opinions open’ or the multi-meeting has also been enhanced by mobile phones.” (Srivastava, 2005. p. 124) This allowed users to decide whether to attend the meeting or not which is usually within the hour before the appointed time. This can be seen as a selfish behaviour. Another point to be considered is the use of mobile phones in public places. Numerous establishments frown upon users that instigate a conversation at a high volume disregarding other patrons. In Japan, signs have been put up prompting users to switch their phones to silent mode so that it does not disrupt others. SMS texting is the preferred alternative to voice calls in this type of situation.
Unmistakably mobile phone has affected society, nonetheless on closer inspection it can be seen that adolescents have been dominantly affected by this technological advancement further. Inconceivably adolescents use the mobile phone as a tool for communication, a fashion accessory in which aids in representing themselves and as an escape apparatus from parents. “The mobile phone has indeed become the most intimate aspect of a user’s personal sphere of object…for example keys, wallet, money etc…it gives users the impression they are constantly connected to the world outside, and therefore less alone.” (Srivastava, 2005. p. 113) Measurement of adoration and worthiness is manifested as some adolescents’ measure by the amount of text messages they receive from fellow peers. Adolescents are unhealthily getting obsessed with their mobile phones. In contrast enabling adolescents in encompassing mobile phones gives parents a false sense of security. Inclusion to this belief is that adolescents are able to screen incoming phone calls in which enable them the choice and freedom of answering the call or to simply reject it.
Interestingly, mobile phones have been suggested in aiding in shaping adolescents identities. Mobile phones have somewhat become a symbol of status. Many youth ‘show off’ their mobile phones to their peers in hopes of belonging to the ‘in’ club. They enhance their mobile phones by downloading new ringtones and wallpapers which they think suit their personality. Manufacturers have caught on to this craze and offers a variety of brightly coloured mobile covers and ‘skinz’ to match the individuals outfit at the time. Mobile phone giants have gone one step further to create ‘designer’ mobiles which feature such craziness as fur linings, embedded gems and leather coverings just to name a few. An example of this is the mobile phone manufacturer ‘Motorola’ which produced a gold version of their V3 model that features the brand name D&G, this enables users to represent themselves as highly fashionably individuals furthermore this illustrates to society that status is of great importance.
With technological devices such as the Internet and mobile phones, face-to-face interaction and communication seems to be diminishing. Clearly technological devices present society both with advantages and disadvantages, and the mobile phone is not excluded from this. The increased convenience of the mobile phone presents to society is apparent ;however on a private spectrum it affects society in various ways and continues to do so especially towards adolescents whom which have embraced this technological advancement and have embedded this device into their lifestyles. With the aid of mobile phones, society is fast becoming a society which is isolated from real human emotions and settling despondently to text messages to reflect their emotions and thoughts. This essay only scraped the surface of the pinnacle of the mobile phone phenomenon, clearly there is much more to learn from the evolving technologies that shape our future.
Ito, M. Mobile Phones, Japanese Youth, and the Re-Placement of Social Contact pp.1-15 (accessed November 20th, 2006, from ProQuest Journal)
Srivastava, L. 2005. Mobile phones and the evolution of social behaviour pp. 111-129 (accessed November 20th, 2006, from ProQuest Journal)
BBC News. 2004. txt mightier than the word? (accessed December 1st. 2006)
Oxford English Dictionary Online. (accessed December 1st, 2006)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (accessed December 1st, 2006)
Rheingold, H. 2002. Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution.
Perseus Publishing: USA
Mc Guigan, J. 2005. Towards a sociology of the Mobile Phone pp. 45-57 (accessed November 20th, 2006, from ProQuest Journal)
The Age. 2004. 89% of teens have mobiles: survey. (accessed December 3rd, 2006)
The Age. 2004. Japan teen like cute little mobiles (accessed December 5th, 2006)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Course Evaluation
I recommend my peers to take up this course as they will surely enjoy it as much as i did.
Tutorial 9 Task
However, this exercise might stump beginners to Powerpoint but after they dabble in it, then it should be easy to use its various functionalities.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lecture 9 Summary
The first Electronic Medai Age involves Centralised Dissemination.
In which was primarily based on the concept of having more than one source but many receivers in return.
Because of this concept the network is very limited, the basis for this limitation is due to the educational, technical and financial boundaries which limited the capacity to send and receive messages from others.
The second Electronic Media Age involves Decentralised Interaction.
The concept of this era was that varioius people are able to talk to several people at the same time, however restrictions were still evident for instance internet aswell as computer literacy limits the amount of people whom can access this technology. On the otherhand clearly the internet has one major advantage as it enables users to illustrate their views and opinions freely to a global audience.
The other topics discussed in this lecture which I found to be quite interesting were the concepts of Utopia.
Utopia, a world of perfection - living harmoniously with technology. This statement introduces various questions.
Could this world ever exist?
Does our present world depict this idea of utopianism?
What are the complexities and limitations of such a world?
Are the machines and technology that humans continue to develop eventually lead to a surreal world of utopianism in the future?
Technology should not be developed to the stage where it can overthrow the human race. Humans should have full controll over technology. They are created to better our existence not hinder it.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Lecture 8 Summary
The second half of today's lecture Professor Stephen Stockwell discussed the themes of Democracy. Democracy can be broadly defined as a way we represent ourselves, it is a chance to state one's opinion. However with this free will of expression the Greeks experience exclusion of citizenship especially amongst slaves and women, clearly illustrating the unjust democracy of that era. The influence of Athens however soon spread to Europe during the 17th and 18th Centuries which prompted changes in France and Britain which can be said to be the foundation of the democracy we know today.
In today's democracy we practice the Freedom of Speech through various means such as the Representative Government this country is ruled by. In contrast the Media has been claimed to be a corporate government organisation that filters the news and illustrate certain opinions to society. In relation to the Internet, this technological application has enabled users to participate and deliver their opinions freely and self-debate, example of these include Blogs and Forums. Clearly the Internet is valuable as it empowers people to search for others opinions aswell as formulating their own.
Is the Internet an effective way to demonstrate democracy?
The Internet provides skills in self-efficiency, training users that in order to produce results one must work hard as Professor Stockwell states, "keep hacking at it" which applies directly to hackers. Stockwell views hackers a somewhat positive outlook and are not neccesarily deviants of society unless they are crackers (Criminal Hackers).
Are hackers training for a new type of democracy?
The Internet not only enable users to have skills in self-efficiency but also encourages users to use the Internet for political change. He gave a couple of examples on how normal people, without Web experience, can use the Internet as a tool for gathering opinions of people and use it to combat the government.
This lecture has given me the chance to view democracy in a new and invigorating light. It has prompted me to read thoroughly into cyber democracy.
Tutorial 8 Task
Possible Essay Topic
"The Effects of Mobile Phones and on Social Behaviour"
This will be an interesting topic with lots of sources i could reference to.
Nowadays it seems that everyone possesses a mobile phone and many cannot live without one. It has become a social norm which has its positives and negatives.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tutorial 7 Task
I found using Macros to do the hardest task in this tutorial. It's very useful if you need to automatically calculate a series of data. It can be hard to get it working correctly but once its configured it will make the job alot easier.
Overall i found this tutorial to be very useful as it allowed me to gain a better understanding of how Excel works and to make full use of its capabilities.
Lecture 7 Summary
The medium of video games come from a range of disciplines for instance Narratology in which games focus on more on the storyline while in contrast Ludology focuses on the game and play elements of the game. An example of Narratology video games would be like the Final Fantasy series whereas Ludology would be like Counterstrike.
Though primarily video games were used for entertainment today some games allows the player to escape reality and invites them to live in a virtual world, a great example of this is the World of Warcraft phenomena. The interaction the users are able to have with the game characters creates a sort of obscure bond, that some people are not able to experience through social contact with humans, and the environment creates a backdrop for an unrealistic world filled with mystery and danger which can be tempting if your life is boring and monotonous.
On a final note games can be a great source of entertainment if it is indulged on occasions. But if it becomes part of who you are then lines should be drawn.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Tutorial 6 Task

The question of friendship arises with this picture.
Human beings spliced with High Technology. Our future?

The information that makes up the news is a distorted view of reality.

This is a portrayal of the on-going weather changes due to global warming, that will eventually lead to our demise.

A games to suit all ages

The bombardment of Celebrities
Still working on the 'success' one....
Lecture 6 Summary
Instant Messaging (IM) first became popular with the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) in 1988. However only text-based back then it was popular because of the real time communication between users. This was before chatrooms were implemented. ICQ (I Seek You) became an alternative as it allowed users to add personal contacts and to leave messages for users to retrieve at a later time. After the success of ICQ, a blethora of Instant Messengers emerged onto the market, today there are Instant Messaging software such as MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Googlechat etc.
Portable music and podcasting are clearly popular with the current generation of Internet users. This led to the development of numerous portable MP3 players such as Apple iPods and iRivers. MP3 are a proprieter format which means copyright laws apply to it.
Peer to Peer (P2P) and Filesharing are used by nearly everyone nowadays, it is a convienient way to exchange files and data between users however there is a lot of debate on the legitimacy of the data distributed.
Voice over IP (VoIP) and Voice Chat are technological applications that are currently emerging in our society at the moment. The introduction of these technologies are either going to be embraced by telephone companies or refused as they primarily allow users to make cheap telephone calls.
The second half of the lecture discusses the topics of Free and Open source software. Firstly Open source software is free for anyone to download and use an example of this would be the Linux operating system. The figure responsible for the introduction of the idea is Richard Stallman, which he refers to as copyright flipped over.
GPL is legally binded contract that control the use of the free and open source software, which protects the people whom invest time in making really good programs that are not sold for commercial gain. I learnt that Open source software offers us a way to get completely free software which is ecnomical, legal and moral.
It was interesting to find that Creative Commons allows people to apply a license to things that they create and subject to legal protection of some of their rights while being free from copyright. It gives people the freedom to use information without the free of being sued.
The EFF is similar to the Creative Commons as it deals with the law and digital media across the entire spectrum. They are both non profit organisations.
I found this lecture to be very informative as I gained some knowledge on the stuff that I could "borrow" from other people without being sued by them. But in order to know explictly about the laws that apply to digital content and such, I will read up thoroughly on this topic at my leisure. Yay.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Essay Topic Progress Report
Tutorial 5 task

When i hear the word 'friends' this kind of image comes to mind. A bunch of people making faces together at a camera. It is the epitome of friendship right here in this pic.

High Tech
When i think of high tech, the first thing that normally springs to mind are weaponry. For what reason, i dont know.
Lecture 5 Summary
At the beginning of the lecture each student briefly introduced themselves and explained which course they were enrolled in. This gave the class the opportunity to know each other a little more and for a change gave a chance for an informal lecture.
In the past decade the Internet and its functionality has evolved. As Jason Nelson explains the Internet has been used to "shop" online through various mediums such as Ebay and which enabled users to "shop" online however a disadvantage with this technology medium is that the users are not able to physically inspect, touch and interact with the product. This can be further exemplified as Jason explains when a child purchases a toy usually they enjoy unwrapping the product, touching and interacting or playing with the product rather than viewing it on the computer which does not allow them to have the same interaction.
Jason discussed the 'number one economy source on the Internet' - Online Gambling. He illustrates that online gambling is dominately popular because of how effortlessly users can lose their money. Not suprisingly porn was the second economy source on the Internet as Jason outlined this is because of the privacy aspects as many users view as an advantage, as he exemplified.
Jason subsequently discussed the idea of the Internet being anonymous as fabricated. He illustrated that through the users IP address anyone can track where the user is located. Although this can be countered through a program called 'IP Blocker' which enable users to block other people from seeing what the user has downloaded.
Jason then introduced his digital artwork through his website :
I found it be very fascinating as he showcased his various digital art pieces. I found them intriguing on how and where he got his inspiration from in creating these digital art. Jason's digital art allows users to interact with the art pieces. Interestingly Jason said he was not really the artistic person which can create drawings or sculptures rather he said that technoloogy enable people without any talent a chance to create.
And through this he demonstrated that the Internet was full of 'one-day gimmicks'which people create, for instance the Million Dolloar homepage created by a young guy( This website is full of pixel images which are sold at various prices which ultimately made a million dollars in total.
This is an example of some of the gimmicks people create that can be found on the Internet.
Jason discussed also the idea of 'viral' which can be defined as an online flu pandemic, a certain object such as a video or an email spreading through the Internet at a fast rate.
Clearly the Internet's functionality is no longer traditional as it continues to evolve. I found this lecture to be very interesting and fascinating it gave me a different outlook of the Internet and its functions.
Lecture 4 Summary
Virtual Reality can be defined as "a system that enables one or more users to move and react in a computer-related environment"
The idea of virtual reality are evident today in movies such as the Matrix, which provided audience with a view into the future of computer generated worlds, which machines dominate humans, on the otherhand eerily to some certain degree isn't our society today dominately operated by machines?
For me I found it interesting to learn how Virtual Reality works by the convergence of techniques used in simulation, animation and computer games - entertainment as the catalyst for other purposes. Prior to this lecture, I did not know that there were varoius types of Virtual Reality simulations. Another point I found fascinating was the problems associated with dabbling in a Virtual Reality environment. The applications of Virtual Reality and its different uses has provided me with a new outlook on how to utilize this fast growing technological advancement.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tutorial 4 Task
I have also noticed that chat programs such as MSN messenger allows users to set their current status of availability - away, busy etc. This is a practical feature for use at work, school, uni and such. I view Active World more as a game then as a chat program as it encourages you to interact with members continuously. It doesn't allow the user to set their status as away or busy.
I personally prefer to use either MSN or Yahoo over the emerging 3D chat environments because they are more suited to my needs.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tutorial 3 questions
A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.
How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
The search engine lists the results according to how relevant they think it matches the search query. However sometimes the results returned have minimal relevance to the search query.
who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
Results are listed on the top of your search results if they position the keywords in a sentence form so that the relevance to the query is clearly visible.
what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
I normally use Google for searching because i find that the search results are more spot-on and the image search is quite handy and loads quickly. However i have started to use other search engines since commencing this course.
Can you find some current news stories about search engines? (for example, Google has been in the technology news a bit lately).
Google Earth discovering inland dunes shaped like arrowheads that may be sign of tsunamis.
Tutorial 3 Scavenger Hunt
The largest pumpkin ever grown is 1,502 pounds. It was grown by Ron Wallace of Greene, Rhode Island. It was weighed in on October 7, 2006 at the Rhode Island Weigh-off.
( through askjeeves)
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
If you want to contact Grant, please write to the Miami Swimming Club, their address is:Miami Swimming ClubPO BOX 2461BURLEIGH QLD 4220
3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?
It can reach to a size of 22 inches in length.
4. How would you define "ontology"? In your own words, what does it mean?
Ontology is the study of being or existence. Ontology can be said to study conceptions of reality. It has one basic question: "What is there?"
5. What was David Lynch's first film?
"Six Men Getting Sicker" in 1967.
6. When was the original "Hacker's Manifesto" written, and by whom?
January 8, 1986 by Loyd Blankenship aka The Mentor
7. What is the capital of Bhutan, and what language do the citizens speak?
The capital city is Thimphu. Their official languages are Dzongkha and English
8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Bergen, Norway to Ornskoldsvik, Sweden?
9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1972?
The first time ever I saw your face by Roberta Flack
10. What punk band was Stephen Stockwell (head of the school of arts) in?The Black Assassins.
Lecture 3 Summary
The lecture began with a viewing of a short video clip titled "EPIC". It outlined issues relating to the rise of the Google empire and how competitors such as Microsoft implement their strategies to combat Google's success in the industry. The video was narrated in a chronological timeline illustrating how print media could soon be obsolete and be replaced by digital media. I found it to be very interesting and makes me think of how fast technology is growing in our world. I will definitely view the video again at a later date.
The lecture progressed with the discussion of academic principles used to investigate issues around communication which are:
- Communication Studies
- Media Studies
- Cultural Studies
Adam talked about communication studies in the USA for the last century which listed significant events that occured each decade. Next was Culture Studies in Europe.
The last half of the lecture was reserved for the discussion of New Media, Internet Studies and Cybercultural Studies. It was broken up into three subcategories:
- Popular Culture
- Cyberculture Studies
- Critical Cyberculture Studies
Monday, November 20, 2006
Lecture 2 summary
Adam discussed the history of computers during the first half of the lecture. A prominent person in the early years of the computer was Charles Babbage whom invented the first digital computer. Computers, which I learnt today was primarily used for mathematical calculations, which is far from what computers are used for today!!!
The daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron, Ada was the first to conceive a machine which was was able to compose and play music, produce graphics and be of everyday use.
Alan Turing was responsible for the development of the computer. He hypothese that computers could be capable of computing numbers, thus the first computer was produced - the Bombe which to my suprised was used to break German codes during the war.
Gordon Moore introduced the Moore's Law which was the capacity of microchips doubling every two years.
Adam also discussed various large computer manufacturers such as Xerox PARC, Apple, IBM and Macintosh.
The second half of the lecture Adam outlined the Internet and its complexities. We viewed a short movie called Warriors of the Net which was a very informative and easy to understand explanation on the workings of the Internet. One thing that Adam noted " it is important to understand that the internet is not the same thing as the web ", this is a common misinterpretation that people make.
Today's lecture was interesting and informative - it gave me a different perspective of the Internet and the early stages of its creation.
Tutorial 2 task: Information about Blog Friends
Simer mentions about memory usage and performance requirements that is needs for 3D chat programs is much higher than instant messengers. This fact will be one of the deciding factors for many people when choosing the type of chat environment they will use. Even with the requirements listed on the website, users might still experience lagging due to the CPU memory that is required for smooth running.
By reading Trent's blogs, it can be said that he is quite clever. He voices his opinions well and has alot of say about the topics discussed in the lectures. His blogs are enthusiastic and can be funny at times.
Tutorial 2
New communication technologies can be a very effective tool in allowing Internet users to communicate with family and friends without ever having the leave the comfort of your home. It is a fast, safe and cheap solution to keep in close contact with loved ones. It is fast becoming the preferred method for the younger generation over the telephone, written letters and other forms of 'old school' communication techniques.
I, personally, haven't had many experiences with making friends over the Internet. I don't frequent chat rooms due to the anonymity factor of Internet users. I would like to get to know someone and be able to judge if they are the person they portray. I feel that you cant really know a person unless you have met them in person. And even if u were to meet in person, the awkwardness is something i would like to avoid. I mainly use MSN messenger to keep in touch with relatives that are overseas and just general chatting to my friends. It is easy to use and gives me the flexibility to chat to whoever and whenever i want.
I have been using these technologies for approximately 7 years now. However, i started using them more frequently when i enrolled in the Bachelor of IT in 2002.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Lecture 1 Summary
When i first read the course outline and i saw things such as cd-roms and broadband as new technologies, i was like "wha..." but then adam explained that the outline is from 2001 ;)
He discussed the meanings of 'communication' and 'technology' using examples which gave the class a clear understanding of the words.
These two words can be defined as:
Communication is any process that transfers, transmits or makes information known to other people.
Technology is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world.
Technology can be split into two categories. They are 'analog' and 'digital' technologies. Analog technology functions by representing various forces and the modulation of these forces.
Digital technology relies on storing bits of binary information.
Another topic that was discussed was 'convergence'. It was also interesting =)
I look forward to learning more on the topics that will be covered in the rest of this course.
Introduction: First day of summer school
My name is Sam and this is the first day of "New Communications Technology/Communications and Digital technology". So far, this day had been quite interesting due to the fact that the lecturer is a funny guy.
A bit about myself:
im 22. I am doing the Bachelor of IT degree. I study at the Nathan campus but i live on the coast. This summer semester will be my last semester. I am unsure whether to do a Masters of Business Administration or to find a job. I am actually leaning towards studying part time and working simlutaneously. I'm abit worried about finding a job as i feel that the stuff taught in my lectures don't really apply to what is needed in the real world. But i will try my hardest to find a job i like and put everything I have into making it work out. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.